Tuesday 10 May 2016

Huntsman Spider

Heteropoda venatoria on a bathroom wall.

Common name: Huntsman spider; giant crab spider; cane spider

Scientific name: Heteropoda venatoria 

Scientific classification: Kingdom: Animalia
                                         Phylum: Arthropoda
                                         Class: Arachnida
                                         Order: Araneae
                                         Family: Sparassidae
                                         Genus: Heteropoda
                                         Species: H. venatoria

Type of species: Indigenous

Distribution: It is native to the tropical regions of the world, and has been introduced to many subtropical regions.

Habitat: These spiders are common household guests, also found in other buildings such as barns and sheds. They are sensitive to cold and live outside only in warmer climates.

Conservation status: Least concern

Danger warning: These spiders can give a painful bite, though the amount of venom delivered is not dangerous.

Note: Differences between male and female spiders.

Source: hawaiinaturejournal